
The Original Fourteen Guiding Principles of Reality

Most of us have lived our lives believing our thoughts; we never even think to question them. But once we start questioning our thought assumptions we begin to suspect that we are not who we thought. That realization may cause a sense of separation.

Questioning our thoughts (especially the limiting ones) takes us out of our mind-made identities and leaves us the task of re-discovering our true nature. We discover our right relationship with Reality by coming to understand its basic guiding principles. We learn to replace our old limiting self-concepts by using these principles instead; otherwise we are left wandering, and wondering who we are and what our relationship with the Universe is. I've included these principles below – they are the basic truths I fall back on to help me determine the reality of my thoughts.

I hope they help you too.


Here are the basic guiding principles of Reality that, when applied to our daily life, provide the parameters that allow us to manifest our dreams.

  1. We are free agents, able to choose what thoughts we will believe. The thoughts we believe will determine the quality of our life experience.
  2. Our thoughts determine our vibrational frequency. When we believe we are at the mercy of a heartless, fearful world, we see ourselves as victims and will experience low fre quency thoughts and feelings (thoughts that create fear, depression, isolation, resentment, jealousy, etc). When we believe we are protected, loved and prompted by a Loving Source, we experience high frequency feelings (love, safety, acceptance, joy, satisfaction, peace, etc). The frequency we line up with (called alignment) determines the quality of our life.
  3. We are made up of a trinity: mental/spirit, soul/emotion, and physical body. Balancing these three aspects brings us into alignment with the highest possible frequency: Source.
  4. The world acts as a mirror that reflects our own state of consciousness. We project our beliefs onto the world where they are reflected back to us. We then react in ways that prove to us that what we believe is true. We tend to think our beliefs come from our life experiences, but the opposite is true: our experiences most often come from what we believe. This is how we create our personal reality.
  5. Our personal reality comes from what we believe. Our beliefs become the reality we see and experience in physical form. In other words, we manifest our beliefs. If we have beliefs that breed feelings of peace and harmony, we will see peace and harmony all around us. If our beliefs are full of strife and conflict, then strife and conflict becomes our personal reality.
  6. Life is cyclic in nature. Like a wheel, life goes round and round; sometimes we are on top, sometimes we are on the bottom, but how we see these rotations determines how we are affected by the wheel of life, not our life circumstances. We either perceive ourselves as victims and feel at the mercy of life’s ups and downs, or we move into observer consciousness and witness life as a reflection of our own mind from which we can learn.
  7. All of our feelings and behavior come from what we think and believe, and not from external causes. There are no exceptions. In other words, we act the way we do because of the thoughts we believe. We will automatically act according to the beliefs we hold as true.
  8. What we focus on expands. Attention is a way of directing energy and automatically feeds whatever we are paying attention to. That means the more we resist something the bigger it gets.
  9. Whatever we judge and condemn within ourselves, we deny and then project onto something or someone outside ourselves that we then judge and fight. What we judge as unacceptable in others is something we have not admitted or accepted in ourselves.
  10. There are no mistakes, no coincidences in life. Everything happens for a reason and/or has a purpose. To see it any other way is to be in victim consciousness.
  11. There is another Reality. It is the deep peace that is always available in the eternal, present moment, no matter what else is going on.
  12. We are emanations of what I call the One Universal Mind, or simply, Source that is ever present and always radiating its benevolent Light (consciousness) upon us.
  13. Everything is made of Source energy and vibrates at its own particular frequency. We are vibrational beings who are attracted to (and who attract to us) people and situations with a similar vibrational frequency.
  14. Source is always here for us. It reaches out to us just as we seek it. It never stops supporting us, and is closer to us than our own skin.

8 Responses

  1. Lynne,
    I have been getting your newsletter for a while now. I was recently laid off but taught REBT and included two weeks on the Drama Triangle. I always love reading anything you write. However, I am troubled because I am not grasping what the Source is. I am an atheist and am wondering if that is the issue, something tells me it is related. The last principle is the one I am not grasping but would like to.
    My best, Tim

    1. Thank you, Tim, for your honest response and question. It is a good one.

      I think of the world in terms of energy. I watch and study how energy moves in nature and apply those same principles to the human psyche, since we are also part of nature. One of the ancient observations of certain guiding principles about Reality
      is that the inner/upper world reflects the outer/lower world. “As above, so below… (this principle dates back to Hermes Emerald Tablet). This then shows us that life is designed to operate in specific, organized patterns; even chaos has Implicit Order … which to me indicates the Presence of a Living Intelligence or Source of some kind.

      Referring back, again, to the ancient wisdom, we find a description of the Universal Intelligence, that I call “Source,” as the One Mind within which everything else happens. (All 400 Billion galaxies are all happening in that One Mind!) That makes each one of us a ‘thought projection,” of the One Mind. (Again, it’s a very energetic understanding, this, about how thoughts are projected into form life.) We are also told by ancient wisdom-seekers that we are “made in the image of,” we are ‘co-creators’ with the One Mind, which means, that we, too, manifest worlds through our thought projections! These things I have verified for myself.

      We do, in fact, manifest what we believe. We often grow up assuming that our beliefs come from our life experiences, but through this energetic understanding of the Universe, we come to see that it is actually the exact opposite: We experience what we believe life to be. The belief precedes the experience. Don’t take my word for these things, experiment for yourself.

      Therefore to find evidence for something we must first believe it’s possible. Otherwise we will only manifest what we expect to see, rather than what we want to see.

      For me, deciding whether or not to believe in Source started out as an experiment. Realizing the above principles, I realized the only way I would ever experience Source, if in fact, there was One, was to choose, first, to believe It was possible. This is why the Bible calls for “an act of faith.”

      It was clear to me that to choose to believe that I was in relationship with a Living, Loving Source created high-frequency feelings. And it became equally clear to me that to believe the world is an unpredictable, chaotic, and mindless, fear-inducing place to live, left me feeling overwhelmed and at the mercy of happenstance and total random events, i.e. that belief, for me, led to very low-frequency feelings. It made the choice an easy one for me. I chose to act as if it were true.

      Once I decided to believe that there is a Universal Source, I then began to act “as if” it were true. (The principle that applies is, “When we believe a thought, we feel and act as if it is true …”)

      In Esoterics, the process of consciously choosing to live as if the principles of Reality are true is called “walking the path of verification.” On the path of verification we become observers who consciously witness the results of our beliefs. We observe the harvest that comes from believing a particular consciously-chosen thought and notice if it is of high or low frequency. (In this case, the thought being, “There is a Living Source of Intelligence that can ‘dialog’ with us.”)

      Here’s the thing … because the world is a mirror (another ancient principle based on the above principle, “As within, so without”), we will automatically manifest the results that match what we believe, regardless of what that belief is. We find evidence of that which we seek! That means if we choose not to believe, we will find plenty of evidence to support that belief too.

      So then, you may ask, how do we decide what belief to choose? …

      There is one major criteria that I use for choosing what to believe, and it can be summed up in this question: “When I believe that thought, does it bring me peace, or misery?”

      This is what is meant when it is said, again in the Bible (another ancient source of wisdom), “… by their fruits you shall know them.”

      We begin to consciously recognize what beliefs brings us peace and what beliefs bring us suffering – and we opt for those that bring us peace.

      There is another principle that applies here, the harvest of lies and deceit is pain and misery, while the harvest of Reality is peace of mind.

      I trust where your path. I trust where you are in your journey and where it is leading you. I hear you willing and able to be honest, and I have come to value those qualities as being all we need to pursue Reality.

      I offer these words with generous intent, and along with them, I extend an invitation to you to set up a radical experiment in your own life, as I did in mine, by applying principles such as this kids version of guiding principles, to your own daily life and let me know what happens. 🙂


  2. Hi John, Thank you so much for your thought-provoking comments. I know it can be a challenge for some of us, as Christians, to relate to the world, and God, energetically. But to me it is a very natural way of understanding the world.

    I deeply appreciate the chance to expound and clarify my understanding of these energetic principles which I find sprinkled liberally throughout the Bible.

    For instance:
    What I call Observer Consciousness is synonymous in my mind with the Holy Ghost of Biblical description. I think of the Observer Consciousness as being the indwelling spirit sent to us from Source (and being of Christ) that sees Reality and Truth and brings us peace.

    Luke 6:37-42 is a wonderful description of the world as a mirror: “for the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” (v.38) In other words, we will automatically see ourselves in others, and we will treat them the way we treat ourselves. I have often said that the reason we treat those we love worse than a total stranger is because we tend to treat the people we are most comfortable with the way we treat ourselves.

    And, “… first take the plank out of your eye and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” (v.42) Find the projections we cast onto others and reel those in so we can see the other more clearly. To me these verses ask us to recognize how we project onto others the judgments we hold against ourselves.

    Principle 10 speaks of the Law of Cause and Effect simply meaning that everything has it’s cause … there are no happenstances. The original Cause of everything is “the Word.” The “word” is spoken thought. That which we believe takes form.

    I could go on and on … I hope this is helpful. I love the Bible with it’s history, and its rich metaphor and symbolism and I do not find conflict between what I read there and what I write here at all.

    Thank you again for giving me this chance to clarify.

  3. #7 and #8 did not translate correctly in the moderation process. at least it looks different than my cut and paste on to a word document.

  4. I am a big fan of yours. I took a few minutes to match up this to my christian beliefs. sample follows. If you would like to see the rest let me know. #9 is sample that requires most explanation. see below
    Observer consciousness matches up to a belief in Jesus/God as our redeemer pretty well.

    7. All of our feelings and behavior come from what we think and believe <<<>>>> and not from external causes. There are no exceptions. In other words, we act the way we do because of the thoughts we believe. We will automatically act according to the beliefs we hold as true.
    8. What we focus on expands. Attention is a way of directing energy and automatically feeds whatever we are paying attention to. That means the more we resist something the bigger it gets.
    9. Whatever we judge and condemn within ourselves, we deny and then project onto something or someone outside ourselves that we then judge and fight. What we judge as unacceptable in others is something we have not admitted or accepted in ourselves.

    >>>>> (Victory over fear thru faith, personal inventory (12-step), confession (cath), true remorse, restitution (legal), ammends(12 step), apology or penance(cath), then forgiveness and peace. Often this process is impossible or incomplete, but, admission to God and complete belief in Jesus’s redemptive power is the best complete answer to this problem.)>>>>>>>>>

    10.There are no mistakes, no coincidences in life. Everything happens for a reason and/or has a purpose. >>>>>(Complete trust in GOD’s plan)>>>>> To see it any other way is to be in victim consciousness.>>>>>(Not to trust in GOD’S plan)

    Some Christians do not trust vibrations and “new age” stuff.

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