
The Miracles of Life Held In the Balance: Andrew’s Journey Home …

Perhaps you have heard? My son, Andrew had a major heart attack Friday night, March 3rd, 2017. He would not be here today if Brett had not been by his side at the time it happened and so was able, by taking immediate action, to keep his heart beating until more help could arrive.  The Medics resuscitated him by defibrillator, but it took five attempts to get his heart beating again. Among the many miracles that have taken place over the ensuing days, among them was this immediate and excellent intervention Andrew got from the beginning which kept him from having to go more than five minutes without oxygen to the brain, a major determiner in the outcome of such episodes.

From Brett, his partner, to the EMT's that kept him alive until they got him to Bayshore Hospital and into the hands of the amazing heart surgery team that spent the next two hours working on him, opening up the blockages, to reestablish oxygen flow, by placing three stints in the right main ventricular artery – and then, fearing brain damage, they dropped him into a hypothermia-induced coma, before turning him over to the incredible round- the-clock care of well-trained and deeply compassionate nurses who tended him 24/7 – All of it flowed, as if it were planned;..  All of the necessary systems were in place, right on time, to give him the best care possible!  And then, we, his family and loved ones, were left to see if he would return to us.

From the first day I knew, before the doctors and nurses even dared to hope, that Andrew would return to us. He let me know during the first morning after his attack that he was alive and well in a body lying in deep rest! I stayed in communication with him and continue to connect with him every day during my morning practice. From this place I get the real scoop on what is going on with my son. He came through strong and focused from the first morning, letting me know he was definitely coming back to complete his earth mission. He was planning to not only return to us, but to return stronger, more intentional and focused than ever. I was impressed intuitively with understanding what and why this death/rebirth initiation was necessary for his own soul's expansion. My fear for his life was greatly eased by the inner connection that Andrew and I have maintained.

So when the nurses cautioned us not to expect too much, that once they began to decrease the medication that was holding his systems in suspension it would probably be  2-3 days, and perhaps longer, before he would be able to come up from his state of coma. (After 3 days, we were told, serious brain damage is presumed) and even then, the verdict was out still on whether he would be able to return to normal functioning.

But I was receiving a different message; I did not believe for a moment that he would  nor return, and I could also feel his impatience in wanting to resurface to get started on initiating the next leg of his life plan. I warned the nursing staff that they might well be the ones who would be surprised because, I told them,  “he is, in fact, impatient to return.”  And I encouraged them to be ready for him to rouse SOON upon their easing up on the coma inducing drugs.

Meanwhile he had another heart attack. Another stint was put in. That was on the Sunday following the Friday night heart attack.

But then that Monday morning, just as he had conveyed he would, he returned. It was less than six hours after they began to decrease the drugs, those heavy immobilizing sedatives, that were holding him in coma, that he began to surface. He roused enough for the nurses and family  to relax around the fear of long term brain damage. He has been holding his own since, gaining strength and progressing daily. What a high moment! To see my son looking back at me again that miraculous Monday!

And the next day, Tuesday, I was sent to fulfill a work commitment in Copenhagen! The hardest choice I can remember ever making was mine to make … about whether to stay by my son's bedside or to go and fulfill my assignment. But every time I went into my morning practice to “present my case” for staying, I would come out knowing I was being told to go. I realized that I too was undergoing an initiation of my own. I was being asked to choose who I was going to serve, my fear-based story about what might happen, or Source. The task (test) for me was to choose whether I was going to really believe that my son was going to be ok, and in greater Hands than mine by going forward with my work, or whether I was going to let fear keep me from trusting Source.  I had been told he would come through – I saw that his soul was experiencing a necessary challenge FOR his ultimate good. Now it was up to me to trust that my being removed from his bedside at this moment was also in right order. I chose to demonstrate my faith by going,  And so, tearing myself away from my son that Tuesday morning after one last visit, when he actually opened his eyes, listened to me as I explained I would be gone a few days, and nodded in acknowledgment (another miracle), I flew to Copenhagen.

I have not returned home yet…  tomorrow is the day I am scheduled to leave here – but, again, as promised, my son is progressing, even through the little “bumps in the road.”

For instance, I learned while in Copenhagen, that Andrew's lung had collapsed. I shared the news with the awesome group of students I was working with here. I told them that the medical plan was to do a surgical process the following morning to re-inflate the lung, and asked them if they were willing to participate in a healing ritual for Andrew with me.

The group agreed to participate in the healing circle  that morning, and so  I led the group through what Jeff Primack, of Supreme Science Qigong, calls his “Nine Breath Method.” We directed our Breath towards a chair placed in the center of the circle while envisioning Andrew sitting in it, as we sent our breath into his lungs, seeing his lungs inflate with breath as we breathed for him all together.

Because of the time difference between where we were in Copenhagen and where Andrew was, this session was took place about 4 am, Andrew's time. When I checked in that afternoon, (which was still morning for Andrew) the medical staff informed me that his lungs had “somehow” inflated on their own during the night! Another miracle!

There are many lessons being experienced through this journey my son is on, not only for him, but for all us who have been touched by our compassion and love for Andrew. I share this account with you, thinking perhaps you too might receive a gift from it.

You see, it's not what happens to us, but what we DO with that happening that determines whether we are strengthened by the situation, or whether it takes us down the hole into the fear that accompanies victim consciousness.

All of us are on a journey Home … everything that happens on that road is FOR us, and serves us, in some way, as an opportunity to expand our understanding of, and to grow in our ability to trust the Universe to be exactly what we need it to be – FOR US!.
Blessings, Lynne

If you received something from this, and are inspired to help, please consider contributing to Andrew's Go Fund Me page:

4 Responses

  1. I am praying for you, your son and family. I am grateful for his partner’s presence, presence of mind to call 911 and perform CPR, and faithfulness. Thank you for your openness to learning from life and sharing your insights incisively in writing with us.

    1. Thank you Doug. Life is such a Big Ride and Adventure … there is an art to riding its waves from on top rather than being tumbled over and over by them … it’s an art that comes from aligning with the guiding principles. And because we are one, I tell myself that my sharing with others the ups and downs of the Ride most likely holds relevance to all those who read the words as well. Thank you for validating that opinion.
      Blessings, Lynne

  2. Lynne,
    Several of us who know and love you were gathered for a birthday celebration last night. I shared that I was in a new reading group with three other women and after reading ten chapters in A Course in Miracles together, we had decided to turn elsewhere for a bit. I suggested your book, they all ordered it, and now we are reading that together. Bringing up your name began a series of things we remember, hear in our heads, feel in our hearts having worked with you. Just this morning I heard from one of them about Andrew. I have added you both, as well as his partner, to my prayer list. I am so grateful for your faithfulness to your beliefs, the model you provide, and the lessons you shared with me.

    1. Thank you, Pam. I feel the love and support the Universe offers us, my son and all of those close to him, through wonderful souls like yours, Thank you for believing in this work. Blessings, Lynne

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