
Overcoming Hardship by Befriending Adversity

Guarding remains of a house
Attribution-NonCommercial License by Joe Athialy

I learn much from hearing people share about overcoming times of difficulty. I've found that such personal experiences often end up demonstrating the benevolence of the Universe. Over & over I have heard evidence about how severe hardship has served to bring greater awareness, even peace … better lives and closer connection with others.

OR not.

We always have the choice … will we choose to see our difficult challenge as being for or against us? We get to decide whether to view life as victims, at the mercy of a painful event -or to see those same life events as messengers that have come to guide and shape us for the better.

When we see the Universe as a helpful, friendly place it's easier to believe that “bad times” are designed to grow us.

A significant turning point came for me on Dec. 16, 2006 when I realized that liver disease was taking me down fast. That day I heard a distinct inner prompting urging me to apply the resources I’d gathered from years of study & travel towards my own healing. I started a daily practice that day that has rejuvenated and healed me, body and mind. I haven’t looked back since.

Adversity is such a teacher for me. Every hardship I’ve faced has turned out to be tailor-made to fit … designed to show me the obstacles in my thinking and actions that are blocking me -in that moment- from emotional & spiritual freedom.

I hope you choose to befriend the adversities in your life. The rewards for doing so will be tremendous, I promise.

Blessings, Lynne

2 Responses

  1. I too have experienced the phenomenon of “not getting it the first time” only to have the same message come round again … and louder! 🙂 Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Lynne

  2. Lynne,

    Adversity comes into our lives because there’s a lesson for us to be learned. When we don’t learn that lesson when it first appears, it comes knocking again and again, louder and louder until we get it. This has been my experience.

    I look at adversity now as a blessing in my life. It’s not only an opportunity for me to move onto another phase in my life, but the opportunity to learn and grow.

    My greatest gifts in life have come on the ‘other side’ of adversity.

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