
An Invitation to Use this Blog to Help Free Yourself from Victimhood ….

Creative Commons License photo credit: h.koppdelaney

I'd like to invite you to come into a deeper relationship with my teaching here on this site. I want this blog to be a resource to bring greater understanding to you of your relationship between your true Self and ego.

As a psychotherapist with thirty years experience founded on metaphysical principles I started this blog over a year ago with the intention to fill it with the practical & spiritual insights that continue to come to me from an ongoing daily practice so that you can benefit as well. I use this blogging format as the place where I share the realizations that have worked to help liberate me and others, people like you, with tremendous results.

I know that by reading the posts written here and applying what is contained within them to your own personal situation you can make tremendous strides towards freeing yourself from a state of consciousness that I call victimhood. I know that these ideas work because I've seen them verified over and over in my own life and in the lives of many throughout my twenty three years in private practice. I've watched people transform their lives and relationships again and again through application of these principles.

I write to make these insights available to you and to anyone with a computer so that all can benefit from the information written here whether you ever sit down with me in any sort of face to face or not. That is my goal … to have available here, in bite size chunks, everything you need to know to free yourself from stressful victim thinking.

I am a perpetual student of life but I continue to learn the most from daily sitting at the feet of an Internal Teacher … this is the Self whose wisdom I attempt to pass on to you here. It is not that I don't think you have an Inner Teacher too … we all do. My goal here is to support you towards growing a deeper relationship with your Inner Guide by helping you learn better the difference between that Voice and the voice of an ego that strives to keep you divided and separate.

So I invite you to be a regular “student” here. Read, read, read and ask questions when you don't understand what I'm trying to say. Give feedback when you disagree. Let's be in dialog with one another for the purpose of gaining freedom from an ego mind that's bent on seeing and feeling at the mercy of a relentlessly unkind world. I look forward to our dialog.

5 Responses

  1. Dear Lynne,

    I feel so fortunate to have found your site and teachings. I have been on this path for a little over 2 years now, and it’s always a gift to find others following a similar path. Thanks so much for the work you do and the gifts you impart to us.

    Namaste, Sean

  2. Hello!
    Very Interesting post! Thank you for such interesting resource!
    PS: Sorry for my bad english, I’v just started to learn this language 😉
    See you!
    Your, Raiul Baztepo

  3. I found your blog during a very “victimized” time of my life. I knew from my inner teacher that I needed to find a new way… the old way was not working. I feel like I am talking with a valued friend every time I check in the blog… I am glad to have found you. Thank you Lynne

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